Below you can see all the opportunities to get involved in what happens in and out of Citykirken. We call it Cityservice, as we believe that regardless of whether we use our time and talents inside or outside the church, we serve. Our mission as a church is that God's kingdom may be more present and His will be done to an even greater degree, and here we all have something to offer, either in our everyday life whereever we go around every day, or in something that we do together as a church.
You can toggle the options depending on your preferences regarding time, duration, etc.
Har du lyst til at gøre en forskel?
For børn - unge - familier - fattige - udsatte - seniorer…
For det meste ...
En kirkeven hjælper nye til at opleve kirken, når de ikke selv har overskuddet til at træde ind et nyt sted alene. ...
Do you also love when the sound is just perfect? And can you hear which slider should have been turned ...
More than 60 people follow Citykirken's services live every Sunday - and even more watch or re-watch ...
Would you also like us to share more videos on social media and show more homemade videos during services? ...
Har du lyst til at tage billeder under gudstjenesterne og andre aktiviteter i kirken? Det gør vi, så man altid kan ...
We are a team that ensures that the church's graphics are up to date. We do this so that people can always ...
Kom og vær frivillig i en populær genbrugsbutik med stort udvalg og hyggeligt personale.
Butikken ligger på ...
Hver søndag samles vi om lovsang, hvor vi sammen med hele menigheden ærer Gud gennem musik og sang. Til det har vi ...
If you want to meet new people, welcome them to the church and take part in good conversations, then Connect could ...
The media team plays a central role in the running of the Sunday service, where we make sure to get pictures ...
Jesus loves Aarhus, and He loves the Aarhusians. He wants everyone to believe in Him and be...
Our Sunday services are interpreted into English and Ukrainian/Russian. We therefore need a team of ...
More than 60 people follow Citykirken's services live every Sunday - and even more watch or re-watch ...
In Passion, we wish to be a group in prayer. Are you passionate about praying and would you like to be part ...
As an assistant in the Passion Café team, you contribute to the great atmosphere, ensure there's enough coffee and ...
Sunday Funday is Passion's weekly gathering for youth aged 18-30, where we meet, have fun, talk and ...
Mango is Citykirken Aarhus' Children's Church for children aged 3-12 years. The focus is Bible stories, play, creativity, fun...
Every second Wednesday, the Family Network Aarhus W invites you in for communal dining in Citykirken Aarhus, where the church's ...
'Nærvær' (presence) is Passion's monthly evening of praise. The vision and heart behind it is the desire to elevate, experience and ...
'Let's Talk' is an activity in Passion where we focus on a topic that we go into in depth. If you have ideas for a ...
Activities are a fantastic way to create community. Therefore, activities are a supporting element in Passion. If you ...
The senior club has members who want a visit once in a while, e.g. on the occasion of a birthday, illness or ...