
Network for all families with children aged 0-3 years

At Sprouts, we want to be an open community where everyone is welcome. Our purpose is to increase knowledge about and relationships with other families with children and to create relevant and exciting offers for the very young and their parents. In other words, we want to make it more attractive to be a family with children in Citykirken.

Sprouts currently consists of three offerings:

  • Mothers' group - for parents on maternity leave and their children. We meet weekly in the City Church/homes
  • SpireKirke (SproutsChurch) - children's church for the 1-3-year-olds
  • Social events, courses, etc - for example first aid courses for babies, City groups, excursions for the entire family and much more

Mother's group, SproutsChurch and our social events is financed by Citykirkens Børne- og Ungdomsforening (CBU or Citykirken's Children and Youth Association). Membership of CBU is not required to participate in the church's activities, but if you or your child sign up, it means that our resources for activities will be even greater. It costs only DKK 75 per year, and each membership makes a big difference!

Sign up here (The link leads to UNG Mosaik's website, which collects the fee for us. We recommend that you choose option 1 – the fixed annual payment.)

So if you are a family with one or more children aged 0-3 years, you can find updates on our Facebook group "Spirerne i Citykirken", where we will tell you more about upcoming events and other news.

You are also very welcome to contact us at spirerne@ckirken.dk, if you have any questions.


We meet: In the church
When: Every Sunday at 11

Event calendar

There are currently no future events in the calendar.
See the entire calendar

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Rebecca Corÿdon Ringsborg

Rebecca Corÿdon Ringsborg

Sidsel Lorenz Thøgersen

Sidsel Lorenz Thøgersen